Intuitive Surgical

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MedCity Influencers

The Rise of Robotics in Med Tech

Robots represent a vision of the future, a vision that inspires two parts amazement and one part fear of being replaced by superior machines. In manufacturing, robots have been deployed since the 1960’s to exceed human precision and productivity. This same potential exists in the provision of healthcare, but to date robots have barely made a dent.

Devices & Diagnostics

The Three Greatest Pivots in Medtech

For medtech-ers taking cues from the Internet startup world, consider The  Lean Start-Up.  The basic tenet  of this methodology, coined by Eric Ries, is that a startup is just a conglomeration of hypotheses, and job one of any startup is verifying these hypotheses as quickly as possible with a disciplined approach. For web products, this entails rapidly […]